As a person who has been an old-fashioned buy and hold, don't spend your principal type investor and saver since I was a teenager, and having basically intuited that trading and trying to out-think markets is a fool's game for 99.999% of people, and that slow and steady was the best fit for my personality, I find the Big Picture podcast a useful source of information consistent with the general plan we've followed and are executing in our retirement. The gentlemen are entertaining, albeit sometimes a bit more merry than one might expect from green-eyeshade types, but I find the time spent listening is well worthwhile. I've learned things and I've confirmed that things I thought I had learned were correct. The appropriate audience will be the person who has been fortunate enough to be able to save for retirement in the first place, and who can devote appropriate time and attention to the problems of arranging his/her affairs sensibly in the retirement phase of life. They also do not seem to be trying to purvey finance entertainment porn or monetize the greed/fear of an uninformed audience.