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Entertaining Education
I’m really enjoying the educational aspect presented in such an engaging format. The way they answer questions and banter back and forth is great!

Great content
This podcast is excellent. Always interesting and relevant information.

My favorite
This is my favorite financial podcast! I listen to about 20 or more, and this one comes out on top. They are clear, relevant, and thorough. Just the right amount of personal chit chat to show their personalities and sense of humor, but not too much that I want to fast forward through it. Please keep doing what you’re doing!

y'all get in to the weeds!
This is such a great podcast. You really take a topic and follow it all the way down - I love that. I can't think of an episode where I didn't learn something (except that off the rails Land of Bobs one) useful. Most podcasts just scratch the surface - yours is different. Just having you two chat about a topic / listener question brings up all sorts of ancillary information that is so useful. Your show gives me something to think about, afterward. Thank you.

Helpful information
Love their humor together and make the boring subject interesting to listen.

John Ross Misses
I’m sure John Ross is a very fine lawyer but I believe he has missed his true calling. He should be doing stand-up comedy. John is one of the funniest people I’ve ever listened to. Very entertaining, keep up the great works Gents!

Great Selection of Topics
Great topics, great pace, just the right amount of humor, serious expertise. Thanks, guys!

Long time listener great show
Super informative and down to earth

Great content for us retirees
Always love the show. Current content along with some giggles. Keeping it concise is also a plus. Keep up the good work guys.

Long overdue review!
This is what I consider the best podcast on financial planning out there, and I listen to a lot of them. You may, like me, have found it due to Devin’s expertise in the arcane rules of Social Security, and kept listening to learn more about retirement financial planning. But what really did it for me was an unexpectedly in-depth and eye-opening episode on trusts, where John really knocked it out of the park. I ended up hiring his firm to do my estate documents, and then (finally!) hiring Devins firm for “my very own Big Picture Retirement!”

Great podcast

Valuable information
The information that you share with us is not only helpful but it’s such a blessing to have it available to us. Very convenient and your humor is right up my alley. Thank you and please keep up the great and valuable work that you graciously provide.

One of my new fav shows.

Great Podcast!
Both entertaining and helpful. I look forward to each new podcast

Great information!
I enjoy the banter and perspective on retirement y’all take. Lot of good information. Look forward to learning and listening during my walks.

Great podcast
Useful information. They’re both entertaining hosts. For all ages.

This Podcast is one I never miss
Always an excellent podcast! Today’s interview with Ed Slott was one of the best. Packed full of useful information and entertaining!

I have learned so much!
Devon and John are knowledgeable, interesting and realistic. I started listen about a year before my retirement. I am grateful for the questions they answered and the confidence they have given me to make decisions about investing, social security and leaving assets to my heirs. I proudly pass on information and links to their show to friends and coworkers. Well done?

Relaxed style, solid info
I’ve learned many things here that I haven’t on other retirement planning podcasts. They go deep into topics that are relevant for planning for aging and retirement, both for myself approaching retirement in the coming year, and for my Mom whose finances I managed until she passed away during the Covid epidemic. Thank you both for the immense amount of work that you put into keeping this podcast going and substantive. And I still love your relaxed style of chatting and joking about life in general, because it makes the head-exploding, detailed learning and information a little easier to absorb. I wouldn’t want you to change a thing. I often find myself backing up and listening to certain sections 2 or 3 times, because there is so much to understand and absorb.

Recently retired-Really enjoy this podcast
I’ve begun to listen to this podcast on my daily walks .I’ve learned some very usable and actionable advice already.I just go through the episodes and listen to the topics that most interest me or apply to my situation.I like that there are so many to choose from.I also like the episodes that are all questions from viewers. Their content is informative and engaging with little filler and no commercials! Thanks

Broad subject matter with reasonable suggestions
What I like about this podcast is that Devin and John cover a lot of relevant topics and offer reasonable solutions to the common problems associated with the topic being discussed. The don’t get too geeky with the details (although I am ok with that too) that the issue at hand is lost. Some subjects are not relevant to my situation but knowing about them helps me avoid that land mind along my journey. They do not take sides and they do not preach politics. I do recommend that you check their library of shows and find the topic that speaks to your personal situation.

Big Picture Retirement Review
Wealth of Information and Fun Podcast.

great podcast
Fellows - I found your podcast when searching for a podcast to get better educated on retirement that is coming up in a couple years. I went back and started listening to episode 1. I am up to 2018 and have enjoyed and learned from every episode. thanks for making me smarter.

Meaty topics explained in understandable way
Unlike most personal finance shows which tend to be pretty basic this show gets into more difficult but relevant topics such was estate planning, trusts and social security. These can be tough topics but are explained very well in an entertaining way.

Roth Conversions and Long Term Care
Great podcast. I never thought about Long Term Care in relation to Roth conversions. What great points you made. I will not convert my pre-tax to zero. Leave some for my care.

Great Show!
I really enjoy listening to Devin and John. I always learn a little something from every show.

Excellent Material
Very practical and actionable information for anyone interested in creating long term financial security. I wish that I had listened to something like this 25 years ago. Keep up the great work!

Sell discipline
You forgot to talk about the sell discipline approach to investing. Revere asset management. The best approach is only give advisor 100, 000 and dont share total savings. None of their business. Paying 1000 is better than paying 10,000.

But they still need to pay taxes
You need a better solution. Equity is the issue. The government forces IRA investors to take distributions. This could be implemented for the borrow crowd.